Quantum walk evolution

Quantum walk evolution

The simplest quantum walk evolution. It simply takes the model and initial state from the user, simulate an evolution and outputs the state or the probability distribution of measured state.

The dynamics requires evolve, measure and check_qwdynamics functions. It provides execute, execute_single, execute_single_measured, execute_all and execute_all_measured functions. Depending on the name it outputs single state or all states, measured or not measured. The execute combines the last four functions. In the case of type-stability requirement, we recommend to use the last four functions.

Note: Methods execute_all and execute_all_measured are provided only for discrete quantum walk models.


julia> qwe = QWEvolution(Szegedy(CompleteGraph(4)));

julia> state = rand(16); state = sparse(state/norm(state));

julia> execute_single(qwe, state, 4)
16-element SparseVector{Float64,Int64} with 16 stored entries:
  [1 ]  =  0.37243
  [2 ]  =  0.402212
  [3 ]  =  0.356914
  [4 ]  =  0.0384893
  [5 ]  =  0.230443
  [6 ]  =  0.0373444
  [7 ]  =  0.12092
  [8 ]  =  0.285178
  [9 ]  =  0.151519
  [10]  =  0.258755
  [11]  =  0.30374
  [12]  =  0.375624
  [13]  =  0.169741
  [14]  =  -0.0403198
  [15]  =  0.255573
  [16]  =  0.0344363

julia> execute_all_measured(qwe, state, 4)
4×5 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.273249  0.455568  0.308632  0.339199  0.429348
 0.20334   0.165956  0.188335  0.188466  0.150447
 0.244393  0.213254  0.378161  0.171268  0.323264
 0.279018  0.165221  0.124872  0.301066  0.0969412

julia> execute(qwe, state, 4, measure=true, all=true)
4×5 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.273249  0.455568  0.308632  0.339199  0.429348
 0.20334   0.165956  0.188335  0.188466  0.150447
 0.244393  0.213254  0.378161  0.171268  0.323264
 0.279018  0.165221  0.124872  0.301066  0.0969412

Adjusting model to QWEvolution

The QWEvolution requires an implementation of evolve, measure and check_qwdynamics. Instead of implementing purely quantum walk, we will implement simple random walk, which still fits our considerations.

We create an AbstractStochastic supertype, in case someone would prefer to make different stochastic evolution (for example change the stochastic matrix). Note we skipped some assertion checking for readability. Furthermore note we have defined two versions of measure: in most cases measuring only part of vertices are faster than making full measurement.

abstract type AbstractStochastic <: QWModelDiscr end

struct UniformStochastic{G<:SimpleGraph} <: AbstractStochastic

UniformScaling(digraph::G) where G= UniformStochastic{G}(digraph)

function check_qwdynamics(::Type{QWEvolution},
  @assert :stochastic ∈ keys(parameters) "parameters needs to have key stochastic"
  n = nv(graph(abs_stoch))
  @assert isa(parameters[:stochastic], SparseMatrixCSC{<:Real}) "value for :stochastic needs to be sparse matrix with real numbers"
  @assert size(parameters[:stochastic], 1) == size(parameters[:stochastic], 2) "Stochastic matrix needs to be square stochastic matrix"
  @assert mapslices(sum, parameters[:stochastic], 1)[1,:] ≈ ones(n) "Stochastic matrix needs to be square stochastic matrix of order graph"

function stochastic_matrix(g::SimpleGraph)
  a = adjacency_matrix(g)
  a*spdiagm(mapslices(x->1/sum(x), a, 1)[1,:])

function QWEvolution(stoch::AbstractStochastic)
   parameters = Dict{Symbol,Any}(:stochastic => stochastic_matrix(graph(stoch)))
   QWEvolution(stoch, parameters)

function stochastic_evolution(s::SparseMatrixCSC{T}, v::Vector{T}) where T<:Real

function evolve(qws::QWDynamics{<:AbstractStochastic}, state)
  stochastic_evolution(parameters(qws)[:stochastic], state)

function measure(::QWDynamics{<:AbstractStochastic}, state::Vector{<:Real})
   return state

function measure(::QWDynamics{<:AbstractStochastic},
   return state[vertices]

Now we can make a pure walk evolution.

julia> dynamic = QWEvolution(UniformStochastic(smallgraph(:bull)))
QuantumWalk.QWEvolution{UniformStochastic{LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleGraph{Int64}}}(UniformStochastic{LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleGraph{Int64}}({5, 5} undirected simple Int64 graph), Dict{Symbol,Any}(Pair{Symbol,Any}(:stochastic,
  [2, 1]  =  0.5
  [3, 1]  =  0.5
  [1, 2]  =  0.333333
  [3, 2]  =  0.333333
  [4, 2]  =  0.333333
  [1, 3]  =  0.333333
  [2, 3]  =  0.333333
  [5, 3]  =  0.333333
  [2, 4]  =  1.0
  [3, 5]  =  1.0)))

julia> println(execute_single(dynamic, fill(1./5, 5), 5))
[0.186831, 0.313169, 0.313169, 0.0934156, 0.0934156]

Note that continuous walks requires time argument in evolution function, as an example consider CTQW model.


Following functions are connected to the dynamics. Note that since QWEvolution is a default subtype of QWDynamics, most of the functions are defined for the last type.

Full docs

QWEvolution(model, parameters, check)

Type describing standard quantum walk evolution. check_qwdynamics is executed if and only iff check is true.

Needs implementation of

  • evolve(::QWEvolution{<:QWModelDiscr}, state) or evolve(::QWEvolution{<:QWModelCont}, state, time::Real)
  • measure(::QWEvolution, state)
  • check_qwdynamics(QWEvolution, ::QWModel, parameters::Dict{Symbol})
  • proper constructors.

Offers functions

  • execute
  • execute_single
  • execute_single_measured
  • execute_all
  • execute_all_measured
check_qwdynamics(qwdtype::Type{<:QWDynamics}, model::QWModel, parameters::Dict{Symbol}, ...)

Checks whetver combination of the arguments creates valid quantum walk dynamics qwdtype. Check whether qwd is properly parametrized dynamic.

evolve(qwd::QWDynamics{<:QWModelDiscr}, state)
evolve(qwd::QWDynamics{<:QWModelCont}, state, time::Real)

Evolve state according to qwd. For discrete model single-step evolution is implemented. Type returned is the same as type of state.

execute(qwd, initstate, runtime[, all=false, measure=false])

Run proper execution function depending on given keywords. all and measure keywords defaults to false. In case of all being true, all intermidiate states are returned. Note that for all equal to true, the model specified by qwd needs to be disrete. For measure equal to true, measurement distributions are returned.

execute_all(qwd, initstate, runtime)

Returns list of all states including the initstate according to qwd for times from 0 to runtime. runtime needs to be nonnegative. Wroks only for discrete-time evolution.

execute_all_measured(qwd, initstate, runtime)

Evolve initstate acording to qwd for time runtime. Returns matrix of type Matrix{Float64} for which i-th column is the probability distribution obtained from the measurement in (i-1)-th step. runtime needs to be nonnegative. Wroks only for discrete-time evolution.

execute_single(qwd, initstate, runtime)

Evolve initstate according to QWDynamics qwd for time runtime. runtime needs to be nonnegative.

execute_single_measured(qwd, initstate, runtime)

Evolve initstate acording to qwd for time runtime and measure it in the end. runtime needs to be nonnegative.

measure(qwd::QWDynamics, state[, vertices::Vector{Int}])

Measure state according to qwd. If vertices is provided, probabilities of given vertices is returned. Otherwise full probability distribution is returned. Output is of type Vector{Float64}.
